Archive | March 2015

One year ago……

One year ago, we lost my brother.  Life truly is a vapor.  I can’t believe it’s been a whole year.

I went to get the mail, and I got the sweetest surprise.  It was a thinking of you card, and it was from one of my online friends, whom I’ve never met.  It’s those unexpected surprises that really stick with you.  Thank you so much, Vania.  You’re the best!

How sick have I been?????

I’ve been so sick that I haven’t had any coffee in FOUR days!

I have been sick for 8 days now.  I’m on my 2nd round of antibiotics, along with a steroid pack.  I had a chest x-ray to see if it was pneumonia, but all was clear.  So I’m out a few hundred $$ and hoping that this round of meds gets me feeling better……