Menu planning tip

I have done monthly menu planning for decades. When I sit down to make out the menu plan, I grab my freezer inventory list and plan the meals, based on what meat I have in the freezer. What items I may need to buy to complete those meals get added to my grocery list.

I get stressed out very easily, so I was thrilled when I had a new insight to help make this task even easier! We eat a lot of meals that require shredded cheese. As I write on my grocery list what type of cheese I need to buy, next to that, I write what meal that cheese is for. When I return home from the grocery store, before I put that cheese in the freezer, I take a black sharpie and write the name of the recipe on the bag of cheese. This makes it SO MUCH EASIER when it comes time to make those meals! It also keeps me from accidentally using the cheese for something else!

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