Tag Archive | thanksgiving

This is not what I had planned!

GOD'S PURPOSE WILL ALWAYS PREVAIL – Heavenly Treasures Ministry

As I was discussing this Thanksgiving with my husband, I made the comment that as our daughter was growing up, I would think about the future. I would picture what it would be like for our first holiday season once she was married. I have to tell you — I never pictured doing it during a pandemic!!!

Our daughter got married during the lockdown in the spring. She and her hubby are very low-key and frugal minded. They didn’t want all the pomp and circumstance, nor the expenses that come with a lavish wedding. So they got exactly the wedding they wanted!

While I never pictured celebrating our first holiday season with our new son-in-law during a worldwide pandemic, today will still be special because I am choosing to make it special.

While we cannot celebrate with my parents and my brother’s family, we can still celebrate with my daughter and her hubby. We are making different types of food than we normally eat for Thanksgiving. We are also going to play some games this afternoon. We are going to build memories that will last a lifetime.

After the stress of this year, the Lord has determined to give all of us a peaceful, restful holiday. I am grateful.

Thankful List

Thanksgiving Holiday 2020 Date - Why do we Celebrate Harvest thanksgiving?

With the uptick in Covid cases, I am so very thankful to have a month where I am not working mandatory overtime. I am exhausted at the end of my 8-hour shift. I cannot imagine working 12s when it is so busy. I am also thankful that my shifts seem to fly by.

I am thankful that we will be able to have a very small celebration on Thursday, with my daughter and son-in-law. We have had contact with them throughout this whole pandemic, so I am confident we will be safe in sharing the holiday together.

I am thankful that my energy level really jumped over the weekend when I was off. I got so many things done: made 2 different batches of laundry soap, fabric softener, moisturizing hand soap, washed four loads of laundry, did some cleaning around the house, made my December menu plan, wrote a letter, studied my Bible, and more. I have even been making time to call people and stay connected with them when things are starting to lock down again. For someone who is on the phone all day at work, that is a stretch for me, but it has done me good mentally to connect with my loved ones.

Most of all, I am thankful for my precious Savior, who daily bears my burdens.

Today's Promise: Psalm 68:19 - Praise be... - Jesus Calls Canada | Facebook

My Thankful List

Our Favorite Bible Verses on Being Thankful | Freeccm.com

It has been a while since I posted a thankful list. Being that Thanksgiving is this month, I thought I should reflect on this topic.

I am thankful that I am not working any overtime this month. This is the first month in a year that I have not had to work mandatory overtime.

I am thankful that I do not have Covid. I was quarantining earlier this week, but my results came back, and I was able to return to work. I am also thankful for the extra rest I got while I was under quarantine orders.

I am getting some energy back, now that I’m not working overtime. I am getting more things done around the house. For months, I literally did only what was absolutely necessary. I just didn’t have the energy or the willpower to do more than I absolutely had to do. It was physically, emotionally, and mentally draining to be pulling over 60 hours a week for so many months.

I am thankful that once we train a new employee who starts next month, we will finally be back to full staffing in my department. We have been short staffed since the end of last year.

I am thankful for the connection I have made with a few ladies, even though we don’t visit often. In fact, I haven’t seen one of them at all this year, but we still keep in touch. Those connections are priceless!

Jesus, I am so grateful to you! You have helped me through some very difficult days, weeks, and months. You have helped me to keep running to you when I have been weary, angry, stressed, exhausted, and maxed out emotionally. You have been there when I had moments when I felt hopeless and fearful. You have heard my cries, and you have answered me! You have helped me not to fall back into fleshly, sinful patterns that would have been so easy to do, and so easy to excuse in the midst of this pandemic. Thank you for the changes you have wrought in my heart so that I didn’t desire to retreat, but moved forward. I am forever grateful to you for all that you have been to me this year. If there has ever been a year that I needed you desperately, this one is it!

Three things for which I am thankful

I have refrained from blogging for several months.  After suddenly losing my brother to a massive heart attack in March, my priorities greatly changed.  As you have likely noticed, blogging was one thing I dropped rather quickly.  As we have watched world events unfold in the last five months, my desire to blog has waned.  Other things seem so much more important……Things such as sending cards to those who are facing trials.  Things like making phone calls to let others know how much I care about them.  Time with family.  Checking in on my parents as they continue to deal with the daily grief of having lost a child.  And the list goes on…..

However, today I felt the need to share three things for which I am very thankful on this holiday weekend.

Most of all, I am thankful for the cross.

In these trying days in which we live, I am reminded daily that God alone is my fortress and my refuge.  If it wasn’t for the cross, I wouldn’t be able to have peace in the midst of the chaos taking place in this world.
I am also thankful for my marriage.
Daily, my hubby and I discuss world events, Bible prophecy, and the reality of our Lord’s imminent return.  We are becoming closer to each other as we watch the world face incredible times of tribulation.  He is truly my best friend and I am so thankful for him.  I cannot imagine facing the issues of the day if I did not have him here beside me.  We find comfort in each other’s embrace in this world of constant chaos.
I am also thankful for the American Flag and what it means.
As I walked into Sunday school this morning, I noticed one of the men had on a shirt with the American Flag.  I sadly expressed my thoughts, “Enjoy wearing that flag while we still have that freedom.”  There were several people standing around at that moment, and none of them blew off my comment.  Rather, they sadly concurred that we are in a time where we do have to wonder how much longer our beautiful flag will be able to fly freely….how much longer we will still be called The United States of America.

Thanksgiving photos

We had a wonderful time at my mom and dad’s house.  Lots of good food and loads of fun hanging out with the family.  Here are some pictures of my great-nephew Aedan.  His daddy is serving our country in Afghanistan.  We are hoping that he will be safely home before Christmas.

Aedan sure enjoyed the chance to play on the piano.

I love his happy expression in this one:

After getting his belly full, he quickly went to sleep in dd’s arms, and she was loving it!

Once nap time was over, it was time to play again.  His mommy bought a bear that is dressed in Army colors.  It has a place on the belly for a picture of his daddy.  She shows it to him frequently.  Even though he was only one month old when his daddy left for Afghanistan, he gets VERY excited when he sees that bear with daddy’s picture on it.  It is very sweet to watch his expression and body language when looking at it.

He was quite fascinated with my necklace.

And he was even more fascinated with the Christmas tree and the shiny lights!

I love this one!


So thankful…….

While talking to several of my coworkers today, and giving many wishes for a Happy Thanksgiving, we couldn’t help but pause to remember those in our city who lost everything in the tornadoes that ripped through here less than two weeks ago. We couldn’t help but to acknowledge that we have MUCH to be thankful for this Thanksgiving.

  • First and foremost, I am thankful for my Lord Jesus, who saved my soul.
  • Second, I am thankful that there were no lives lost during the tornadoes here.
  • I have a home — many in my city are now homeless.
  • I have dirty dishes I can wash — many do not have any dishes.
  • I have two loads of laundry to do — many do not even have clothing.
  • I still have a freezer full of food — many lost all of their food when the power was out.
  • I have a job — many do not since 30 businesses were completely destroyed by the tornadoes.
  • Though my car is very old, I still have one — many lost their cars when they were destroyed in the tornado’s path.
  • I have the pleasure of viewing photos of my family — many lost every photo they ever had.
  • I have a family with whom I will gather tomorrow — many do not have a place to gather due to the storm.  Others will feel the ache from spending their first holiday without a loved one who died earlier this year.

Yes, we have MUCH to be thankful for — we are truly blessed.
