Tag Archive | Flu

Protecting Yourself From the Flu

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Since I work in a hospital, and cannot get the flu shot, due to an egg allergy, I thought I would share some of the things I do to protect myself from the flu.

Obviously, handwashing or sanitizing is at the top of the list.  Every morning when I go into work, I use sanitizing wipes to wipe the desk, telephone, keyboard, etc.  If someone else in the department is sick, I will also take the time to sanitize the door handles, arms on the chairs, microwave, coffee pot, and even the handle on the toilet.  Since it’s a small department, every little bit helps.

Whenever I start to feel like I may be coming down with a cold or the flu, I will add the following to a bit of water and drink it:  Echinacea, Elderberry extract, and Colloidal silver.  I also take several Vitamin C tablets with this.  If I don’t feel better in an hour, I will repeat.  (If you are going to be out in public, you may not want to dose too much on the Vitamin C, as it can cause flatulence.)

This year, I have added taking red bell pepper capsules to my routine.  I will take a couple of those at the first sign of cold or flu.

Even though my daughter had a cold that lasted three weeks, and followed that with the flu for another week, I did not catch either of them.  During that time, I frequently washed doorknobs, handles, countertops, etc., with rubbing alcohol.  I also have an old pan that I use, just for heating water with eucalyptus essential oil.  It helps clean the air in the house.

I make sure I get plenty of rest every night because when I get really tired, I start feeling like I am getting sick.

Since the flu is a widespread epidemic now, I try my best not to be out in public unless absolutely necessary.  I wanted to shop Bath & Body Works Semi-Annual sale, but didn’t want to fight the crowds in the store, let alone be exposed to the germs in the mall.  My remedy:  I shopped their website, even though I had to pay shipping.  To me, the $5.99 shipping was worth every bit of it to avoid going into the store, and risking picking up a bug in the process.

I needed a few things from Walmart.  I hate to shop there, so have started ordering many things online.  I wait until my list has enough to get me free shipping.  Again, I avoid the crowds and their germs.

When I go to church, I refuse to shake hands.  I get healthcare updates by email several times a week.  One article I read said that every year, 1.4 million people die from illnesses that are spread by unwashed hands.  That is all the more reason to pass on shaking hands.  When others reach out their hand to me, I say something like, “I’m sorry, but I don’t shake hands due to all of the germs.”   Or, “I’m sorry, but I’m a bit of a germaphobe, so I don’t shake hands.”  I have even said, “Can I fist-bump you?”  Yes, sometimes they will look at me like I am really weird, but mostly, they understand.  If you want to avoid shaking hands, but feel weird about telling others you don’t shake hands, practice a response.  It will make it flow smoothly the next time you need to use it!

When the flu and colds hit you

Image result for saving money

Whenever we are sick with a cold or the flu, one thing we do to save money is use a roll of toilet paper instead of Kleenexes.  Think about it — when you blow your nose, you may only use 1/2 of the sheet, but you don’t want to save it for later — that’s GROSS!!  So by grabbing a roll of toilet paper, we tear off only what we will need.  If we need more, we tear off more.  This adds up to $$ in my pocket, and that always works for me!!

Acute respiratory virus

I’ve been sick since Thursday evening.  I went to see the doctor yesterday.  Just as a precaution, he ordered an Influenza swab.

I work at the hospital where the test was done, so it was one of my very familiar coworkers who did the nasal swab on me.  When she finished, I said, “Girl, this takes our friendship to a whole new level!”

The test came back negative, but I am on a round of antibiotics because the doctor did hear some crackling in my right lung.  I return to work tomorrow and am looking forward to going back to work.  Still coughing, still sneezing, but feeling so much better that I’m in that cleaning mode today.

And it feels so good to have a clean, disinfected house!

Natural Air Cleaner

With flu season upon us, I wanted to share a tip I use when we have illness in our home.

Air cleaner:

Eucalyptus oil and water – Combine in a pan with water and heat.  It takes the toxins out of the air.  (It works even better if you have a diffuser, but that would mean spending more money, along with adding more clutter in the house to store the diffuser.)

I didn’t want to use one of my every-day pans for this, so I went to the Salvation Army Store and bought a used pan that I wouldn’t use for anything but the above.  This way, I had what I needed for a very cheap price.