Archive | April 2015

20 years ago today…..

I miscarried my first baby. I can’t believe it’s been that long!!! God is so good. I was a bit concerned about being off work today, and home alone on such a big anniversary of the loss, but I’ve been focusing on decluttering, straightening things up, and learning to let go of physical things that we do not need in order to make room for more important things. I’ve had praise music on as I’ve worked. That has helped me to focus on God’s goodness and how great he is. So if I break down in tears today, it won’t be for the loss of my baby. It will be tears of thankfulness for God’s faithfulness.

Oh, and one thing I’ve frequently said through the years regarding the miscarriage — it was the hardest thing I’ve ever gone through (other than losing my brother last year), but it was also one of the BEST things I’ve gone through. I *needed* to experience that for God to help me be able to mourn with those who mourn, to hurt with those who hurt, to have a much more compassionate heart. And as I’ve allowed Him to work through that experience, I like the “me” I am now much more than the “me” that I was prior to going through that time. His Name be praised forever!!!!

Resurrection Sunday

I had to work today.  I was the only one in my dept. today.  My hubby and daughter left to visit his mom and grammy, so I came home to an empty house.  So basically, I got to spend the whole holiday by myself.  I’m not sure how I feel about that…….

Image result for unsure face

However, I’ll bet my very introverted daughter would think that kind of day would be like this:

I started to post a photo of a blissfully happy person out in the sunshine.  But then I remembered — I’m talking about my daughter, who has very large pupils, and those pupils do NOT like bright, sunny days!!!!!

I did run a couple of errands after work and didn’t have to feel like I was taking time away from family to do it.  I also bought something on Ebay.  Now I’m watching Hart to Hart while I wait on laundry to get done.