Archive | March 2020

Free Movie Night During the Pandemic

This Week's Picks: Cozying Up to Fall - Gifts & Decorative Accessories

My daughter came over Friday evening to wash her laundry.  While she was here, we got pizza.  She asked if we could watch a movie together.   I hadn’t thought to do this prior to her question, but I pulled up You Tube and typed “movies.”  A whole list of FREE movies came up.  I wanted to share that tip, just in case others may not have thought about it.  

Keeping my Soul at Rest During the Pandemic

Today, and every day…-Buddhism

How do I keep my soul at rest while sheltering in place at home?

This is my weekend off from working at the hospital.  Honestly, even though I am normally a homebody when not at work, there is just something about being told I can’t be out that seems to nag at my mind.  And I just have to say that during this time, I am SO grateful to have a job that takes me away from home 5 days a week.

While at work yesterday, I was whining to my coworkers, “I miss my non-essentials!”  They agreed, and we all had a good laugh at my comment.  I mentioned how I miss being able to go to Burger King and sit down at their table and eat a meal.  I miss those simple things.  While I could still eat Burger King as take-out food, there is just something about being able to sit in their restaurant for a change of scenery.

I got up this morning to discover that our city is taking further steps on what our “essentials” are.  They are putting more restrictions in place because people are getting bored, and shopping in places like Menard’s, Lowe’s, and Walmart for things like paint, carpet, household items, etc.  They are congregating in the stores out of their boredom.

So what am I doing today to keep my mind in a good, healthy place while stuck at home?  Part of my plan started yesterday when I went to a local meat market and was able to buy some ground beef.  That, along with toilet paper, seems to be a much-treasured item. 

Today, here’s my plan:

  • Wash and dry my sheets.  (Done)
  • Exercise (Done)
  • Work on my blog (In process right now)
  • Write some notes in my bible from a book I recently read
  • Listen to some good preaching on You Tube
  • Listen to soothing music on You Tube (In progress as I type this)
  • Trade out winter clothing for spring clothing in my closet
  • Write a few notes to people the Lord has placed on my heart
  • Start supper in the crock pot (Done)
  • Do some cleaning, but save most of it for tomorrow to give me something to do.
  • Watch a few shows on Hulu, but refuse to veg on it all day because I know that will drain me mentally
  • Fast from the news today and tomorrow
  • Listen to a message our pastor sent out since we cannot gather together this weekend.

What are you doing to help your mind stay in healthy place physically, mentally, and spiritually?

Resting During the Pandemic

Image result for i will lie down in peace and sleep

I normally try to do some kind of workout 3-5 times a week.  However, with the added stress of working in a hospital setting, and being bombarded with information about the Corona Virus through emails and the news, I am exhausted most days when I come home from work.

I have heard them say on the news to be sure to get plenty of rest.  I agree with that advice!  When I get exhausted, my body wears down, and I am more susceptible to illness.  I have found that going to bed 60-90 minutes early is a huge help in getting through the week.

Now that may not sound all that spiritual to you.  However, I know me.  I know how my attitude and my mouth get when I don’t get enough rest.  My outlook on life becomes very bleak and negative.  And my words become very short and snarky.  So for me, sometimes the most spiritual thing I can do is simply go to bed and sleep.

Coping While Sheltering in Place

Image result for sheltering in place

Coping While Sheltering In Place

I wanted to share some thoughts on how to cope with the “shelter in place” situation that many in our nation are facing right now during this pandemic.  

  • Read your Bible!  I cannot stress this one enough.
  • Listen to sound, biblical music.  Scripture memory songs are a great way to help you memorize scripture.  Integrity Music on You Tube has a lot of sound, biblical music.
  • EXERCISE!!!  If you aren’t in the habit of getting some vigorous exercise in several times a week, please try it!  It makes such a huge difference in your outlook on life.  And it will help work through your stress in a positive way so that you don’t end up taking out your worries or frustrations on someone else.
  •  Seriously, laughter really does good like a medicine, thus why the bible tells us so.  My hubby and I were looking at humorous stuff the other day on Pinterest.  We had a couple of deep, belly laughs, and it felt so good!
  •  When I am going through something of which I have no control, one of my coping mechanisms is to declutter.  It’s like my mind tells me, “I may not be able to control ___, but I can do something about my clutter.”  Plus, when I am decluttering, I am focused on the task at hand.  It takes my mind off of other things.
  • Deep clean your house.  Do you spring cleaning now while you are stuck at home.  It will keep you from being a couch potato, and it will refocus your mind.
  • Do projects around the house that have been left undone because there seems to never be enough time or energy to do them.
  • Stay connected to others through phone calls or the internet.
  • Write a note to someone, whether through snail mail or email.
  •  Burn some candles or use essential oils.  They can soothe an anxious mind.  I have an old pan that I only use for water and essential oils.  I have been using eucalyptus oil in it lately because it helps cleanse the air.
  • Limit how much news you watch or read.
  • Limit Netflix and Hulu.  If you are vegging on those all day, it will only leave you feeling empty, dry, and depressed.

More Decluttering

Image result for decluttering refreshes my spirit

Life is out of control, now that the Corona virus has hit our city.  People are storming the stores to stock up.  I guess stocking up gives people a sense of control over the Covid-19 news.

After a grueling, stressful week at the hospital where I work, I decided to stay at home and work on decluttering some more.  Decluttering helps refresh me, but I knew I couldn’t spend hours on decluttering this weekend because I also need to rest my mind and body to get ready for next week.  I chose one area to work on this weekend.  This way, I have the satisfaction of knowing that I did get something accomplished, but at the same time, I will allow myself time to refresh my spirit in the Word of God.  After all, the refreshing that comes from spending time in my Bible is like nothing else!

The jewelry box is now in a box for the resale shop.  The small DVD player now fits in my bookcase because I spent a few hours decluttering it recently.  I was also able to fit the stack of books in my bookcase.  Previously, I had no room to fit anything else in my bookcase.  Unfortunately, I didn’t think to take a before and after picture of the bottom storage section of the bookcase until after I had pulled everything out of it.  I still need to declutter the two shelves on that bookcase.  I may do that later today or on my next day off.

Here is a before and after shot of what I did today.  

I also worked out this morning (at home), made protein bars, and washed my bedding.  It’s been a productive day, without being stressful.  I love those kind of days!

Less Is More (Decluttering)

#quotes #quote #quoteoftheday #motivation #quotestoliveby #motivationalquotes #lovequotes #inspiration #inspirationalquotes

Ok, ladies, I know you have done this one at one time or another.  You gained weight, but you kept your “skinny” clothes “just in case.”  

After turning 50 a few years back, and going through menopause right after that, I decided it was time to stop holding onto those thoughts of “just in case.”  

I went through my closet and a tote from under my bed and pulled out all of the spring and summer clothes that I have outgrown.  I ironed what is suitable to take to the resale shop next month, then started a stack for Goodwill.

Here is my closet before and after:

I actually have some empty places!  I cannot remember the last time I could say that about the shelves on my closet.

The older I get, the more I am realizing the truth of those words:  Less IS More!