Tag Archive | faith

20 years ago today…..

I miscarried my first baby. I can’t believe it’s been that long!!! God is so good. I was a bit concerned about being off work today, and home alone on such a big anniversary of the loss, but I’ve been focusing on decluttering, straightening things up, and learning to let go of physical things that we do not need in order to make room for more important things. I’ve had praise music on as I’ve worked. That has helped me to focus on God’s goodness and how great he is. So if I break down in tears today, it won’t be for the loss of my baby. It will be tears of thankfulness for God’s faithfulness.

Oh, and one thing I’ve frequently said through the years regarding the miscarriage — it was the hardest thing I’ve ever gone through (other than losing my brother last year), but it was also one of the BEST things I’ve gone through. I *needed* to experience that for God to help me be able to mourn with those who mourn, to hurt with those who hurt, to have a much more compassionate heart. And as I’ve allowed Him to work through that experience, I like the “me” I am now much more than the “me” that I was prior to going through that time. His Name be praised forever!!!!

Working out – physically and emotionally

I haven’t posted an update on working out for quite some time.  “Life” has happened, and that caused quite a disruption to my working out.  After my brother died on March 14, I had to save all of my strength just to function and get through the days.  I am trying to get back to the routine of working out, but am only managing to get it done 2-3 times a week, whereas, previously, I was working out 5-6 times a week.

I have still been working on inner thigh squats.  I can do those even while at work.  That has helped me to keep the muscles in that area pretty firm.  However, I have neglected my arms and they are getting flabby again.  I’m not happy with that because I worked so hard to get them firm.  I need to get back at it.

I really would like to see my midsection slim down, but I feel like it’s an uphill battle, and I’m just not sure I have it in me to get it done.  Maybe once the pollen count goes down some, I can start doing more walking + working out, and just maybe I will see some results which will motivate me once again.  It is hard to be dedicated when you feel like you aren’t getting very good results.

Emotionally, I am doing very well.  Even after someone dies, life does go on.  You have to get back to the daily routines, even if you don’t feel like it.  It has been good for me.

After speaking at my brother’s memorial service, I had so many people tell me what a good job I did, that I am a gifted speaker, etc.  In fact, my mother said, “You are a natural.  You should be a preacher!”  Anyway, that stirred up the passion in me to teach again.  With working f/t outside the home, and working every other weekend, teaching isn’t something to which I can commit on a long-term basis.  However, I will be filling in this Sunday in my adult Sunday school class.  I am so excited!  Spending a lot of time preparing for this weekend has been good for me.  It’s gotten me focused on something other than the loss of my brother.  But oh, Lord, how I do miss him!!!

The warmer weather and longer days have also done a lot to lift my spirits.  I had several really good days this week, and I attribute that to making the Lord the focus of my days.  His presence this week has been so intimate and precious.  I told my hubby that one day, I literally felt like He had wrapped His arms around me and kept me in His arms the entire day.  It was pure bliss.

Gifts that change your life

Christmas gifts.

Christmas gifts. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

A few weeks ago, our pastor was talking about gifts.  He asked if we have memories of certain gifts from many years ago that are still very special to us.

It got me to thinking about certain gifts that stand out in my own memory.  There is one gift that was not only a special memory, but was actually life-changing for me.

My brother gave me this book:


Adoair (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Through this book, I was healed of asthma.  In fact, today marks two years since I have used an inhaler.

If you haven’t read my asthma testimony, I encourage you to read it.  I share the life-changing things I learned from this book.  You may even find something there to encourage you and increase your faith for the miracles you need!