Archive | November 2015

Texas Sheet Cake

I made this for hubby’s birthday yesterday.



Texas Sheet Cake


      • 1 cup margarine or 1 cup butter, melted
      • 1 cup water
      • 4 tablespoons cocoa
      • 2 cups white sugar
      • 2 cups white flour
      • 1/2 teaspoon salt
      • 1 teaspoon baking soda
      • 2 eggs
      • 1/2 cup sour cream
      • 1 teaspoon vanilla


    • 1/2 cup margarine or 1/2 cup butter
    • 4 tablespoons cocoa
    • 6 tablespoons milk
    • 1 lb confectioners’ sugar
    • 1 cup walnuts, chopped
    • 1 teaspoon vanilla


  1. Batter:.
  2. Put margarine (or butter), water and cocoa in a large pan and bring to a boil.
  3. Remove from heat and add the rest of the batter ingredients.
  4. Mix with electric mixer until smooth.
  5. Pour into an 11 x 16 x 1.5-inch jelly roll pan.
  6. Bake at 350° for 20 minutes.


  1. Frosting:.
  2. Bring margarine (or butter), cocoa, and milk to a boil.
  3. Remove from heat and stir in confectioners’ sugar and nuts.
  4. Add vanilla.
  5. Pour on cake as soon as it comes out of the oven.


When does the rapture take place?

I wanted to share something with you.  I’ve done a lot of studying over the last year regarding prophetic things, Matthew 24, and the book of Revelation.  I’ve done some researching online on the topic of the rapture.  I found some very interesting things that we’ve not been taught in church.

Get your bible and open to Matthew 24 and Revelation 6.

Read Matthew 24.  Watch for the words AFTER the tribulation, and see what happens after the tribulation.  The sun and moon are darkened, stars fall from the sky, then the Son of Man appears and gathers His elect.  This is the rapture, and EVERY eye will see it.  It won’t be like what we’ve been told all these years.  Now go to Revelation 6:12 and start reading there.  You will find THIS is where the sun and moon are darkened and the stars fall from the sky.  (And remember — you just read in Matthew 24 that this happens AFTER the tribulation.)  Verses 15-16 speak of many who are trying to hide from the Son of Man when He comes.  Verse 17 speaks of how the day of His WRATH has come.  Meaning – the tribulation is over.  Wrath has now come.

Moving on, since we are not appointed to wrath, we are now gone.  Revelation 7 speaks of a multitude of people from every nation, tribe, tongue being in heaven.  Verse 14 tells us these are those who have come out of great tribulation.

So I believe all this stuff about a 7 year tribulation is wrong!  The bible doesn’t specifically speak of tribulation itself lasting 7 years.  So there is a time of trouble that lasts 7 years, but not all of it is the tribulation.  Part of it is WRATH, and that is DIFFERENT from tribulation.  We’ve NOT been taught that!!!!

Also, as you read through scripture, you will often see the phrase “The day of the Lord.”  This is referring to the day the rapture takes place and the wrath of God begins.  (They both happen on the same day.)

Oh, and something else — Mt. 24:32 speaks of the days of the tribulation being shortened for the sake of the elect.  If the tribulation is supposed to last 7 full years, how can you shorten those days?  It can only happen if part of that 7 years is tribulation and part of it is God’s wrath.

This was a very hard realization for me.  I was scared and I was angry at having been taught lies for over 30 years.  But as I have prayed and hidden myself in the shelter of the Almighty, I’ve come to grips with it.  I joined an end-time forum online and one of the members posted a very wise comment.  He said, “I’d rather be prepared for the tribulation and surprised by the rapture than to be prepared for the rapture and surprised by the tribulation.”  Very wise words indeed.  I keep telling my hubby, “If I ever wanted to be wrong about something, it would be my new beliefs on when the rapture takes place.”

If you want to study more on this topic and research it for yourself (and I highly recommend that you do), there is a great teaching called After the Tribulation.  Have your Bible, a notebook, and a pen handy.  You will want to take notes!

Also, there is a book on this topic that is a easy-read.  Short, and to-the-point, with clear, easy-to-understand explanations for why the rapture takes place after the tribulation.  It is called The Prewrath Rapture Position Explained: Plain and Simple.  I highly recommend it!

I’m sharing my thoughts on this with you because if I’m correct in what I’m seeing in the Word, I don’t want to see the Church left in the dark and caught unaware.  We need to get our spiritual house in order.  We also need to be discussing this with our family members and making plans for when things really start hitting.

May the Lord be with you and grant you peace as you continue to live in Him.

Kent Henry worship

I’ve been under a lot of stress lately, and not feeling well on top of it.  It’s been very difficult to deal with on a daily basis.  When I came home from work this evening, I focused on getting things done.  Once evening chores were caught up and my bible reading was done, I sat down and listened to this playlist by Kent Henry.  What a beautiful time of refreshing my weary, worn spirit!  I have a feeling that my sleep will be very sweet tonight.

The Prosperity Gospel

We have been listening to James Merritt.  He decided to find out what bible verses are googled the most.  Then he decided to preach on the top 4 verses.  Last week was #4.  Joshua 1:9.
To have success, we must:
1. Experience God’s Presence.
2. Obey God’s Principles
Digest the word so God’s word is on the tip of your tongue.  (Josh 1:8)
He said he believes in the prosperity gospel, and that comes from Joshua 1:8 = OBEDIENCE
(Obviously NOT what most people are wanting to hear.)
3. Fulfilling the Purposes of God.

It was a really good message, full of truth.  It wasn’t the typical success and prosperity message you get from so many of the preachers on TV today.

If you would like to hear more of this series, visit Touching Lives.